Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Deadman's Party

Snackers in his costume w/the candy
Yesterday morning I woke up and put on some black sweat pants and an orange sweater and didn't even remember that it was Halloween until Snackers said something 30 minutes later.  I forgot again, quite quickly, as I entered one of the busiest work days I've had in a long, long time.  I finally got around to taking a lunch at 2 p.m. that was 12 minutes long and then I was back at my desk working again - oblivious to the fact that it was my favorite holiday of the entire year.  When I got off work I was a little depressed because it just didn't FEEL like Halloween to me.

I started to put on my costume anyway as Snackers and I started discussing options for where we could go or what we could do to make the day feel more like it should.  He decided to grab some take-out from the burrito shop and I turned on the Ghost Hunters Halloween Live special that I like to watch every year but the sun was still up (partially) and it just wasn't as fun as it usually is.  When the first trick-or-treaters arrived we opted to sit out front for a little while to pass out candy and then it happened ... we were filled with the Halloween spirit.  Our little neighborhood was PACKED.  The streets were so full of people that it looked like Mardi Gras!  We went through 160 pieces of assorted candy from those big variety bags (two bags of 80 pieces each), 50 boxes of junior mints, and 30 packets of Smartees.  We were getting hit in groups of 20 - 30 kids at a time.  A pick-up truck drove by so full of kids that it bottomed out going over a speed bump and then it parked and all the kids piled out and started running door-to-door.

Contacts, a wig, and fangs, I love Halloween!
When we ran out, the first time, we came in the house and started to tear the kitchen apart looking for more because it was only 6 p.m!!!  We'd been handing out candy, not letting kids take it from the bowl, so we know they were only getting one piece per kid yet we'd gone through 240 pieces of candy in less than an hour!!!  We found airline peanuts and pretzels that our flight attendant friends give us - huge bags with 50 packets per bag so we broke them open and filled the bowl again.  We also opted to turn on some tunes like "Dead Man's Party", "Monster Mash", and every other Halloween song that we could find on YouTube, hooked them up to the woofer, locked up the pets and left the front door open so that the tunes spilled out into the street.  Then we had our own little party, dancing to the music while passing out candy.  Everyone LOVED the orange paint we did in the living room and one guy even asked if we were going to "paint it back tomorrow". lol  aka he thought we did it just for Halloween.  Nope, we just like the color.

2 hours: 200 packets of pretzels, 150 packets of salted peanuts, 5 packets of honey roasted peanuts, 2 packets of Lorna Doon 100-calorie snack packs, and a lil' Debbie Snack Cake later we were out again and this time there was nothing left in the pantry but Ramen Noodles and Peanut Butter so we put a sign on the door saying we were out, turned off the lights (the universal parent-to-parent signal for 'don't knock on my door please') and called it a night.  We closed up shop just after 8 p.m. but the streets were still packed until well after 10.  Next year we'll have to buy candy a few months in advance before the prices go up so that we can afford to get a lot more of it!!!

120 oz of water
1 cup of coffee w/creamer
1 serving leftover goulash
1 fish burrito
Daily Caloric Intake: 958

Barbell Squats: 50 reps @ 20 lbs
Barbell Press Behind Neck: 50 reps @ 20 lbs
Barbell Curl: 50 reps @ 20 lbs
Barbell Reverse Curl: 50 reps @ 20 lbs
Barbell Lunges: 25 reps each leg @ 20 lbs
Walking: 1 mile

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Next year I'll send you my candy. We had fourteen kids and a bag of 300 dum-dums.
