Monday, March 21, 2011

19th Weigh-In

So the weigh-in this morning was an un-surprising set-back at 244.5 which is +0.5 lbs from last week.  Originally I went to the bathroom (#2) this morning and then weighed like I usually do and the scale said 246.0 so I took my lashings and posted a 2lb gain all over the blog.  About an hour later, however, I had to go to the bathroom (#2) again, which is unusual for me.  Because I usually only go once in the morning I decided to weigh again after the second potty-visit and was at 244.5 so I danced my way happily to the computer and updated my weight.  Maybe this is cheating a little but I see no point in counting 1.5 lbs of waste, right?  I had a pretty crappy, lackluster, unproductive week and I didn't figure that the hard work I put in this weekend would do too much to make up for it.  So I gained a little, this proves only that I'm human and susceptible to bouts of weakness.  I will prevail, however.

On a more positive note: I decided it would be fun to get a little dressed up to run errands yesterday.  I don't really get "cleaned up" very often anymore; my usual attire is random pants, a tank-top, a pony tail, and no makeup.  But I'm feeling pretty good about myself, (small gain this morning aside) so I decided to put together an actual outfit yesterday. *cue dramatic music*

Now I haven't been taking side-pics and posting them here but that's actually where I have been carrying most of my extra weight.  I had some folks after the last monthly picture on the 14th who were wondering where I was hiding the 100+ lbs I'm trying to lose because they didn't think that, from the front, I looked that overweight.  Well, cute outfit or no, these pictures should clear that up a bit.  But I still look awfully cute!!!

Another upside that I would like to mention is the fact that our "bank lady", that is the lady at the bank that we see every weekend when we go in to cash Snack Monkey's checks, noticed that I've lost weight!!!  She is the branch manager so she was in the office yesterday doing paperwork when we arrived.  We waived "hi" through the window and then headed for the first open teller and she called out from her office "have you been losing?"  I turned around because I wasn't sure if she was talking to us or not but yep!  She was looking right at me so I grinned from ear to ear and said Yep!  She wanted to know how much so I told her it was 43 lbs at last count (41 now with this week's bad behavior) and she said I look great!  *sigh* There's really nothing like having people who are practically strangers notice you're losing weight.  Let me tell you boys and girls ... moments like that alone make it all worth it!

7 glasses of water
1 cup of coffee w/creamer
1 Fiber One bar
1 healthy choice meal (whiskey steak, YUM!)
1 serving steak and mushrooms (food bible)
Daily Caloric Intake: 967


  1. You look amazing! You are doing a great job! I tried those Frozen dinners that you talked about even though I do clean eating..sighhhh!!!
    They are really good. It is not often that I eat frozen anything. I had not had a frozen meal since last summer. My fav is the pineapple chicken and the balsamic chicken. So they will be nice to have very now and then. I had one tonight for dinner. Jack was not hungry. 20 grams of protein and 270 calories.. Cant beat that!

  2. You are looking good. Fixing yourself up is a sign of improved self-esteem. I, too, had a rough week but it was absolutely my own fault and I have no one else to blame BUT I am also the one responsible for my good weeks. I have started Jazzercise and do step aerobics as well so this little "burp" will be a thing of the past very soon. Let's go.

  3. Renea: I tried the Whisky Steak dinner yesterday for lunch and it received two very enthusiastic thumbs up. 290 calories, loaded with chunks of savory meat and very filling!

    Downsizers: I was thinking the other day that it would be fun to find a copy of the old Mousercize that I had as a kid. Did you ever do Mousercize? They have new versions of it on Amazon but according to the reviews they're not as good as the original. I finally got a DVD player for the living room from my mom (but forgot the remote so waiting for her to mail that to me) and I have a few of those Dancing With the Stars workout DVD's so I am looking forward to trying those for something new. I think keeping workouts interesting is a key component for staying motivated and on track.

    Willpower: Thanks! The shirt was a hand-me-down from my sister, whom I would like to acknowledge because she has also lost a crap-load of weight! My mom is losing too so it's really exciting to share each other's successes and it helps that we can swap clothes as some of us grow out of them and others grow into them. My family has good taste too which is a major bonus. My mom, for example, doesn't look like a mom, let alone a grandma. She dresses really cute and she pulls off outfits that women 10-15 years younger than her can't get away with. I'd like to see if they'd let me get a picture of the three of us together next time we're all in the same place at the same time and show you all how great they look. :)

  4. Haven't done mousercize. The videos by "The Firm" are excellent. I like them because I don't have much room and they don't require much space - a step and there are other things but you can improvise. They also use weights while doing aerobics so you get a really good workout. I really like classes because of the fellowship and it makes it more fun.

  5. You look positively beautiful!! Keep doing what your doing because it's working great.

  6. Not counting the poop you got rid of is not cheating at all. I can easily gain 8 pounds of fluid retention and then lose most of it in 3 days ... heck yeah, I count that loss! :) Always go with the lighter weight if you weigh on the same day. Not only does it help with your mood but it's a good motivator to help you continue focusing so you can continue losing.

    You're doing good and the weight loss is really showing.

  7. Downsizers: I remember Mousercizing when I was a tot in grade school. It was a Disney thing, of course; lots of fun, set to classic up-beat Disney tunes, and had a book that came with the tape that showed you which moves to do with the different songs.

    Suzi: Thank you so much! I'm absolutely beaming right now!

    Laryssa: YAY for not counting poo! Thanks so much for the support and encouragement!

  8. Geez, you look stylin in that outfit! And I love your weight loss pictures! I can't wait to see the my pounds start shedding - it's only been a month since I made the decision to lose weight and it's been a tough start but I'm guessing the beginnning usually is. So far I've been rebounding on my mini trampoline every day and slwoly weeking myself of the sugar products - my goals is to cut out sugar completelty and see what happens to my body then. Anyway, I'm going to bookmark your blog and use it as inspiration for days when weight loss seems like too tough a mountainto climb!
