Sunday, July 31, 2011

Another good start

I hung those sconces all by myself, see how level and
evenly spaced?  I rock, I know. :)
Today I woke up to the sound of Vladdy whining to go out and the discovery that it had been raining all night. I poured my coffee and sat down to get some school work done only to get interrupted by Vladdy whining to come in so I went out to yell at him to shut up only to see that it was raining again and my back patio was flooding . . . Good boy! It probably wouldn't have come into the house but the shovel was sitting right there so I did the responsible home owner thing and started digging a shallow drainage trench along the house to the front yard where gravity took over and sent the water downhill to the gutters. Drenched with as much sweat as rain and panting I thought I would come back in and go back to school but my big soggy dog had other ideas.

The rain had stopped and it was quite clear that he was just plain bored so I took him for a two mile walk. By the time we got home he was dry so I put him in his kennel to nap and went back to finish my SQL assignment for school. It is now 2:30 in the afternoon and I have had only a cup of coffee and some water, not as much water as I should have for this time of day either. But at least I've been active and am quite proud of myself. Now I think I will go unpack the bathroom and clean the bedroom.

6 glasses of water
1 cup of coffee w/creamer
1 can Arizona iced tea
1 pork verde burrito
1/2 slushy
1 tuna sandwich
>>w/ olive oil mayo
Daily Caloric Intake: 950

Digging: Dug a shallow drainage trench about 13 feet long
Walking: Walked 2 miles w/Vladdy to explore the new hood
Shopping: Hit a few stores w/Snackers just to browse and get some ideas for when we have a new home-spending fund built back up.  We didn't buy anything, except a new pillow for Snackers because his WalMart $5 special is on its last leg.
Unpacking: Finally unpacked the master bedroom/bathroom and put everything away.


  1. That's a low calorie intake, is it usually around that? What is your goal intake? Mine is to be around 1200, it usually winds up 12-1400.

  2. I love that red you chose for the walls and the fixtures really set that doorway off. Things seem to be coming together. What a neat, homey place you are creating.

  3. April: my goal is around 1300 - 1400 but if I get busy doing stuff and running around I often tend to come in around 800 - 900 even though I never intend to. Now that I've started learning not to live I find it hard to remember to eat before I am starving and then it usually doesn't take much for me to fill satisfied. My counts have been higher than that lately because we've been eating on the run a lot.

    Downsizes: thanks so much. We're finally starting to see it come together as well. It finally feels like the fruits of our labors are coming into bloom.
