Friday, May 27, 2011

The Dog Park

I am kicking myself this morning for not taking pictures last night at the dog park.  It was Vladdy's first time ever because he got his last round of shots after work and was cleared by the vet to go.  When we first arrived there was almost no one there and he surprised us by paying more attention to Piper than to the Aussie Shepherd that wanted to play chase with him.  Then a Visla showed up and Vladdy got really clingy because she had such a high energy personality.  But then when the German Shepherd and Golden Retriever arrived he found friends in them and he chased them while they chased tennis balls.

We were also thrilled by a visit from an 8 month old Doberman, black and tan, that was absolutely STUNNING!!  He was HUGE and we're thinking 'Vladdy's only four months away from being full grown?'  It's kind of sad really but, at the same time, we're really excited to see what he'll be like when he grows into his paws and isn't as awkward and clumsy.  He took to the Dobe like it was a big brother and let it chase him and he would roll over on his back and show submission to it and everything.

Then Piper surprised us by rising to the occasion and actually playing with them too!  Now usually at the dog park Piper is one of those dogs that just wants to sniff the ground and ignore everyone.  It's always been kind of disappointing to us because we've wanted her to play and have fun but until last night she never would.  But last night she turned into a gazelle bouncing all over the park while the other dogs chased her and then she would jump on the table when she needed to take a little break and catch her breath.  Wow ... it was really super fun to watch her run like that, everyone there got a kick out of the way she runs because she has this very springy deer-like run that fits her size so perfectly.  It was a LOT of fun!

p.s. Ran out of coffee creamer this morning but wanted to still have coffee so I poured it over a bowl of granola with mixed berries and a splash of skim.  Surprisingly it's pretty good.  It's like a flavored coffee from starbucks and a granola bar all in one!

8 glasses of water
1 cup of coffee w/o cream
1 cup of granola w/skim and mixed berries
1 hot dog w/sauerkraut and mustard
1 serving chicken tetrazinni (homemade)
1 100 calorie snack pack
Daily Caloric Intake: 957

5 flights of stairs
Cleaning: bagged up trash, clean out the fireplace, picked up clutter, sorted and started laundry, dusted the living room, vacuumed the whole house, cleaned 1 of the bathrooms, washed windows, and cooked supper.
Playing: Took Vladdy and Piper to the dog park again tonight.

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