Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Fun Post

I'm borrowing today's post idea from SpunkySuzi because I am tired of whining about how I feel after being sick or how obnoxious it is that it's taking me so long to get rid of this 10 lbs that I gained back last month, or how busy I've been trying to juggle work, school, exercise, and a social life so I wanted to do something fun.  Please join in the fun and post your answers, I am looking forward to reading them.

  1. Do you have a pet(s)?  If so what is the name of your favorite pet and what kind of animal/breed is it?
  2. What is the strangest thing you've said today (intentionally or accidentally)?
  3. What color socks are you wearing right now?
  4. Close your eyes, move your head around a bit, then stop and open your eyes.  What is the first thing you see (besides your computer screen)?
  5. What is your favorite book ever?  Do you own a copy?
  6. Name a movie you thought you'd hate but you ended up actually liking.
  7. Name a movie you thought you'd like but you ended up actually hating.
  8. What is something you buy that you always save the receipt for?
  9. Is the weight on your Driver's License / ID card accurate?  If not, how far is it off and is it high or low?
  10. Nuclear war breaks out and you've been invited to stay in someone's bomb shelter.  You can bring only one electronic item.  What is it?  (You can bring other, non-electronic stuff too).
My Answers:
  1. Piper, the Miniature Pinscher is my first born and, I dare say, my favorite.
  2. "Vladdy leave the ice outside."
  3. I'm barefoot, as usual.
  4. Four AA batteries (back-ups for my wireless mouse and desk phone).
  5. Single favorite book is Watership Down by Richard Adams.  I do own a copy and it was quite expensive to boot.
  6. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.  Dumbledore ... well, ya know.  But it was still a great movie.
  7. Twilight ... great book series but the movies were mostly a let-down.
  8. Stamps (I get reimbursed for them from work).
  9. Nope!  It says 250, 24 lbs high.  Used to be waaaaay low.
  10. My iPad.  Silly question.  I know, I asked it but really ... I'm sure someone else will bring a radio or something useful.

100 oz of water
1 cup of coffee w/creamer
1 yogurt
1 fruit bar
1 healthy choice lunch
1 fish burrito
Daily Caloric Intake: 1,011

Jumping Jacks: 250
Yoga: 45 minutes
I meant to do more but Snackers went to a free concert so I took the opportunity to study all night and write practice programs in Java.  Before I knew it he was home and it was midnight.  Woops.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Do you have a pet(s)? If so what is the name of your favorite pet and what kind of animal/breed is it? While I love dogs my hubs is totally scared of them so we have a cat named snuffy. He guards our home just like a dog :)

    2. What is the strangest thing you've said today (intentionally or accidentally)? I'm the only one here and I talk to myself all the time so who knows!

    3. What color socks are you wearing right now? No socks just my flippy floppies (slippers)

    4. Close your eyes, move your head around a bit, then stop and open your eyes. What is the first thing you see (besides your computer screen)? A beautiful christmas card with a cute kitty on it.

    5. What is your favorite book ever? Do you own a copy? Anything by J.D. Robb or Sarah Evanovich and no I only borrow from the library.

    6. Name a movie you thought you'd hate but you ended up actually liking. Shawshank redemption
    Name a movie you thought you'd like but you ended up actually hating. Ice Age Mammoth Christmas I didn't hate it but it was only 25 minutes long :(

    7. What is something you buy that you always save the receipt for? I don't save receipts unless it for something like a tv or computer.

    8. Is the weight on your Driver's License / ID card accurate? If not, how far is it off and is it high or low? It's accurate

    9. Nuclear war breaks out and you've been invited to stay in someone's bomb shelter. You can bring only one electronic item. What is it? (You can bring other, non-electronic stuff too).
    Will there be any electricity though??? If so definitely my computer.

    Thanks for the fun :)
